Video Look-A-Likes: Rick Mereki’s ‘Move’ & Culture Shock’s ‘Drum Roll’

Culture Shock kick-off the month of March with the release of the music video for “Drum Roll.” This song is part of their latest music release Legaltender 2.5 and just one video in a series of three videos shot in Dubai within a 24 hour window.

The video compiles all the footage expected sweating on the beach, walking in the aquarium, and chilling by the malls, we knew what to expect because we saw the making for the video before the official release. The editing is what brings the video together in a very fun, graphic way. While Lomaticc and Sunny walk toward the camera lens, their scneray changes. While cool…not original.

Just a couple months ago, “Move” went viral. “3 guys, 44 days, 11 countries, 18 flights, 38 thousand miles, an exploding volcano, 2 cameras and almost a terabyte of footage… all to turn 3 ambitious linear concepts based on movement, learning and food…. into 3 beautiful and hopefully compelling short films= a trip of a lifetime.” Rick Mereki, Andrew Lees, and Tim White went on quite a trip and shared it in the fashion of walking the streets and the backgrounds always changing.

Props to Culture Shock’s video editing team so taking what could have been a lame video to something cool, but originality is not in the marks this time around.

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